A.B.N. 98 002 277 509
359-361 Horsley Road, Milperra, N.S.W. 2214.
Contact during normal business hours.
27 Clemow Drive
, Mt Wellington, N.Z.
Contact during normal business hours.
Subject to the guarantee condition below, this Ryobi tool
(hereinafter called “the product”) is guaranteed by Ryobi
(hereinafter called “the Company”) to be free from
defects in material or workmanship for a period of 24
months from the date of original purchase covering
both parts and labour. Under the terms of this
guarantee, the repair or replacement of any part shall
be the opinion of the Company or its authorised agent.
Should service become necessary during the warranty
period, the owner should contact the Authorised Ryobi
servive agent
, or the
nearest Company Branch Office.
In order to obtain
guarantee service, the owner
must present the sales
docket and Guarantee Certif-
cate to confirm date of
purchase. This product is
sold by the dealer or agent as
principal and the dealer
has no authority from the
Company to give any
additional guarantee on the
Company’s behalf
except as herein contained or herein
referred to.
Guarantee Conditions
This guarantee only applies provided that the Product
has been used in accordance with the manufacturer?s
recommendations under normal use and reasonable
care (in the opinion of the Company) and such
guarantee does not cover damage, malfunction or
failure resulting from misuse, neglect, abuse, or used
for a purpose for which it was not designed or is not
suited and no repairs, alterations or modifications
have been attempted by other than an Authorised
Service Agent. This guarantee will not apply if the tool is
damaged by accident or if repairs arise from normal
wear and tear.
The Company accepts no additional liability pursuant to
t h i s g u a r a n t e e f o r t h e c o s t s o f t r a v e l l i n g o r
transportation of the Product or parts to and from the
service dealer or agent - such costs are not included in
this guarantee.
Certain legislation, including the Trade Practices Act,
1974 (as amended) and other state and territorial laws
give rights to the buyer and impose liability on the seller in
certain circumstances. Nothing herein shall have the effect
of excluding, restricting or modifying any condition,
guarantee, right or liability imposed, to the extent only
that such exclusion, restriction or modification
would render any term herein void.
All enquiries Tel : 1300 361 505
All enquiries Tel : 1300 361 505
960 Stud Road, Rowville,Vic. 3178
Tel : (03) 9764 8655
All enquiries Tel : 1300 360 216
All enquiries Tel : 1300 360 216
33-35 Sorbonne Cres., Canning Vale,W.A. 6155.
Tel : (08) 9455 7775
Purchased From
Address Of Dealer
Date Model No Serial No
This Guarantee Form Should Be Retained By The Customer At All Times
For your record and to assist in establishing date of purchase (necessary for in-guarantee service)
please keep your purchase docket and this form completed with the following particulars.
Present This Form With Your Purchase Docket When Guarantee Service Is Required.
Tel: (02) 9792 9888 - Fax: 1800 807 993 - www.ryobi.com.au
Tel: (09) 573 0230 - Free Call: 0800 279 624 - Fax: (09) 573 0231 - www.ryobi.co.nz