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stereo-microscope ecoline


RST20 RST30 RST40 




Ryeco Stereomicroscopes series RST20 and RST30 7 RST40 are good quality stereomicroscopes with 
different objectives. These stereomicroscopes are the good choose for primary and secondary class 
teaching (Swiss Standard). 

Unpacking and assembling of the microscope 

The components for series stereo Ryeco RST are shipped detached for protection. open the Styrofoam 
packing with care and do not leave any components attached to the packing being removed. Do not 
discard any of the packing materials until all components have been located. lf damage occurs during 
transit, contact both the carrier and your supplier immediately. 
When handing the components, especially all the optical parts, avoid touching any lens surface with 
naked hand or fingers. Any fingerprints or grease stains will negatively affect the image quality (see Ryf 
Cleaning Sets). 
After unpacking the stand, put it on a good stable table. Loosen the lock screw of the focusing carrier, 
adjust the height of the focusing carrier and lock the lock screw again. 

Alignment and operation 

Interpupillary distance 

Move the two eyepiece tubes until only one circular field can be seen through the two eyepieces. lf two 
circles appear the interpupillary distance is too big, and f 2 overlapped circles appear the interpupillary 
distance is too small. 

Focusing the microscope 

Try to focus the sample at the highest magnification with the focusing knob. lf it cannot be done, adjust the 
height of the microscope along the vertical post. 


Select the desired magnification (when possible…) by adjusting the rotary objective revolver.  


Ryeco RST10 / 20 

Ryeco RST30 / 40
