End User License Agreemnet
cases, the User is only entitled to use the security copy if the original media copy of
the Software Product has become unsuitable for proper and legal use without any
doubt, such state thereof being supported by acceptable proof.
7 Limitations of use
7.1 The User is not entitled
7.1.1 to duplicate the Software Product (to make a copy thereof);
7.1.2 to lease, rent, lend, distribute, transfer it to a third person with or without a
7.1.3 to translate the Software Product (including translation (compilation) to other
programming languages);
7.1.4 to decompile the Software Product;
7.1.5 to modify, extend, transform the Software Product (in whole or in part), to
separate it into parts, compose it with other products, install it in other products,
utilise it in other products, not even with the aim of achieving interoperability with
other products;
7.1.6 apart from using the computer program, to obtain information from the map
database included in the Software Product, to decompile the map database, to use,
copy, modify, extend, transform the map database in whole or in part or the group of
data stored therein, or to install it in other products, utilise it in other products, not
even with the aim of achieving interoperability with other products;
8 Non-warranty, limitation of responsibility
8.1 Licensor hereby informs the User that although the greatest care was taken in
producing the Software Product, yet with respect to the essence of the Software
Product and the technical limitations, the Licensor does not warrant for the Software
Product being completely error-free, and the Licensor is not bound by any contractual
obligation by which the Software Product obtained by the User should be completely
8.2 The Licensor does not warrant that the Software Product is suitable for any
purpose defined either by the Licensor or the User, and does not warrant that the
Software Product is capable of interoperating with any other system, device or
product (e.g. software or hardware).
8.3 The Licensor does not assume any responsibility for damages incurred due to an
error in the Software Product (including errors of the computer program, the
documentation and the map database).
8.4 The Licensor does not assume any responsibility for damages incurred due to the
Software Product not being applicable for any defined purpose, or the error or lack of
interoperability thereof with any other system, device or product (e.g. software or
8.5 The Licensor shall hereby also draw the attention of the User with great emphasis
to the fact that while utilising the Software Product in any form of transportation,