Keep belt free of oil and dirt, and adjusted to
proper tension at all times.
Belt tension is adjusted by loosening four (4)
engine mounting bolts and shifting engine on the
Belt tension is correct when the distance between
the roll pin and sleeve on the master clutch rod is
1" to 1 1/4" (25-30mm)when the master clutch is
3/4" (20mm) is a good general starting depth of cut.
Depth of cut can be varied from there depending on
conditions and what you are trying to accomplish.
1. Make an initial depth setting. Park the machine
on a hard surface. Loosen depth control locking
lever E and lower depth control lever D until the
blade rests on the surface.
2. Loosen the depth gauge lock E and set top of
depth gauge G to the 3/4" (20mm) mark on
the label. Tighten the depth gauge lock knob to
secure the depth gauge setting.
3. Use your left hand to tip the machine forward
while lowering the depth control lever D until the
depth control crossbar hits the Depth Stop G.
Tighten the locking lever E to lock in the depth
setting, make a trial run in turf. Check the depth
of cut.
4. Re-adjust the depth gauge G and depth control
lever D if necessary.
Numbers on depth gauge do not necessarily
represent thickness of sod being cut. The
numbers are useful as a reference for making
When adjusted properly:
- With the Master Clutch Control Lever engaged, the
brake band is not braking the large drive pulley.
- When the Master Clutch Control Lever is disen-
gaged, there will be some braking occurring on the
large drive pulley.
- When the Master Clutch Control Lever is disen-
gaged, and pulled back firmly, the brake will fully stop
the large drive pulley.
1. For less braking, loosen the locknut, unscrew the
adjusting screw, then retighten the locknut.
2. For more braking, loosen the locknut, turn the
adjusting screw in, then retighten the locknut.
Start the machine, and check for proper operation.
Readjust if necessary. IF the engine kills when
engaging the Master clutch Control Lever, the
brake may be set too tight.