Figure 5
Switching Function
Impulse Mode
The outputs can be switched in
impulse mode if needed. It will
be distinguished between two
kinds of impulses. The on-im-
pulse switches on the output for
the selected time and the off-im-
pulse switches off the output for
the selected time.
If the output is already switched
on while sending an on-impulse,
a window will pop up and display
“Impulse time activated!”
The impulse duration starts by
activating the “impulse switching”
The time of the confirmation by
activating “ok” does not influence
the procedure of the impulse du-
ration. The output will be
switched off after expiration of
The TCR IP 4 operates the other
way around by impulse switching
of an off-impulse at switched off
The light bulb on the website in-
dicates the actual switching state
(yellow - on, grey - off).
The TCR IP 4 has an integrated
time switching function. For each
switching output, up to 5 switch-
ing on or switching off times
can be selected.
In the above example (figure 5)
the lighting of a company is con-
trolled from a TCR IP 4.
In the configuration names for
the three outputs are assigned.
They are found in the menu bar
and can be clicked on for set-
The lighting of the hall is con-
nected to the switching output 1
of the TCR IP 4 and will be
switched on Monday to Friday at
half past 5:30 am in the morning
(no. 1) and switched off at
5:00 pm (no. 2). It is even possi-
ble to select one-time switching
on a certain date.
At switching output 2 is the light-
ing of the staircase of the com-
pany connected. The lighting of
the courtyard is connected to the
switching ou put 3.
The user is also able to switch
on the lighting outside the pro-
grammed times directly at the
push-buttons or through the
website. (figure 4). The output
can be switched in impulse
mode if needed – as described
above and in figure 4, 1. This al-
lows to switch on the lighting for
a certain time (i. e. 1 hour). After
the hour the lighting is automati-
cally switched off.
Furthermore a temperature sen-
sor is installed in the hall. The
temperature can be checked
from the website (figure 4, 2).
Above the table of switching
function the systemtime of the
PC and the TCR-IP-4-time are
The system time is the ac-
tual time of the PC. With
activation of the button
“time switching function ac-
cepted”, the system time of the
PC will be stored in the TCR IP
4. The system time will be up-
dated every second. In order to
avoid unnecessary traffic on the
network, the display with the time
of the TCR IP 4 will only be up-
dated all 30 seconds.The internal
time of the TCR IP 4 will be
buffered up to 4 days after dis-
connecting from the mains
power supply.
Figure 4