The Russound R12DT active subwoofer delivers the
chest-thumping deep bass sound you want for a super-
sonic listening experience. Whether it’s the asteroids
breaking apart in your favorite sci-fi movie or the in-your-
face concert experience of a classic rock band perform-
ance, the R12DT keeps up its end of the deal in your
home theater or audio system. With its built-in amplifier,
the R12DT fits into to any system, and is tuned for both
stereo music audio and for a home theater surround
setup. The R12DT filters out mid- and high-range frequen-
cies by sending bass-only signals to its own amplifier via
an active crossover network.
The R12DT subwoofer ports are tuned to provide opti-
mum bass reinforcement for systems designed primarily
for home theater entertainment or for music listening.
With home theater systems, both ports are left open.
This tuning provides an increase in low frequency output
which is more ideal for movies where explosions and
other action sounds need greater impact.
For music applications, one of the ports is blocked with
the included plug. This tunes the enclosure for a flatter
response with extended low frequency response. It will
produce lower notes and do so more accurately.
Subwoofer front (grille removed)
The front-firing 12-inch woofer has a 50mm diameter
voice coil and vented pole piece for high power han-
dling and more efficient operation.
When you make connections make sure the power
switches of all components are off, including the
Audio Cables
If you are connecting your subwoofer into a system
made up of separate components (preamps and power
amps), you will need audio cables long enough to reach
the subwoofer from the preamplifier and the power
Speaker Wire
Typical speaker wire has a pair of separate conductors
with insulating jackets that are molded together. We rec-
ommend that you use 16-gauge wire for connecting the
receiver to the front speakers.
All speakers in a system must be connected with the
same polarity. Speaker wire is marked for polarity so
that you can identify which wire in the pair is which.
Polarity is shown by a color strip on the insulation, by
ridged molded into the insulation or be the colors of the
wires, one copper and one silver.
Strip the insulation from speaker wire ends to reveal the
bare conductors before connecting to receiver, sub-
woofer or speaker terminals.
Always connect the red (+) terminal on the receiv-
er to the red (+) terminal on the subwoofer, and the
black (–) terminal on the receiver to the black (–) terminal
on the subwoofer. The same is true for connecting the
receiver outputs to the front speakers red (+) to red (+)
and black (–) to black (–).