This document is a supplement to the DMS 3.1 installation Manual. It is assumed that all of the necessary hardware
connections have been completed, and all firmware is current.
Gain access to Sirius channel lineup simply by having valid a SiriusXM account. You can add Internet Radio to an existing
SiriusXM account here:
A new Internet Listening Only account can also be created. Sign up
for a free trial by going to, click on Subscriptions > Our Subscriptions > Add internet Listening. Then click on
“Add SiriusXM internet Radio” to sign up for the service.
Once you have a Sirius/XM account login and password, you can enter that into the DMS3.1 stream under SiriusXM.
The password will remain logged in for that stream unless manually logged out.
DMS 3.1 Streaming Music Quick Start Guide