Russell Hobbs is a registered trademark used under license from Spectrum
Brands (UK) Ltd. Made under license by G2S Limited, Wigan, WN2 4AY/G2S
(NI) Ltd, Belfast, BT5 5AD.
Russell Hobbs Support: call
0345 209 7461
or visit: mda.russellhobbs.com
The ‘wheelie bin’ symbol is known as the 'Crossed
-out wheelie bin Symbol'.
When this symbol is marked on a product/batteries, it means that the
product/batteries should not be disposed of with your general household
waste. Only discard electrical/electronic/battery items in separate collection
schemes, which cater for the recovery and recycling of materials contained
within. Your co-operation is vital to ensure the success of these schemes
and for the protection of the environment. For your nearest disposal facility,
or ask in store for details.
Connecting businesses and their global suppliers to share ethical
data and enabling improvement in ethical performance. Visit
www.sedex.org.uk for further information.
We reserve the right, due to possible changes to design, to alter the
instruction manual without prior notice.
Revision 2.2