Report № AIFN/0010/2018, issued on 10 January 2022
At 1224:40, ABQ213 confirmed to Tower that were holding short of runway 30.
At 1226:02, another flight, ABY189, contacted Tower
stating “Just to confirm Arabia
one-eight-nine ahhh we can Alpha one four Bravo one four[?]
At 1226:09, Tower tried to contact ABY111 st
ating “Arabia triple one Tower.”
At 1226:12, ABY189, radioed Tower
stating “Yeah just to conform we have aircraft
runway one two just to confirm we continue to Bravo one four [?]
At 1226:19, Tower instructed ABY189 to standby.
At 1226:23, Tower communica
ted with ABY111 stating “Arabia triple one Sharjah
At 1226:27, the Commander replied to Tower
stating “Arabia triple one go ahead
At 1226:29, Tower
stated to ABY111 “Yes sir triple one runway three zero is in use
At 1226:33, the Commander responded to Tower
stating “Arabia triple one we
recognize that now.”
At 1226:35, Tower
stated to ABY111 “Say again.”
At 1226:37, the Commander replied to Tower stating
“We recognize that now sir
[uh] we take off [unintelligible] runway. Now we level off at runway heading two
At 1227:30, Tower instructed ABY111 to contact Dubai Departure.
aeronautical information publications (AIP)
of the United Arab Emirates required
departures from OMSJ to contact Dubai Departure as soon as possible after passing 500 ft with
initial climb restricted to 2,000 ft until further instructions are received from Dubai Departure.
Aerodrome Information
1.10.1 Runway 12/30 and taxiway signage
Sharjah International Airport has one concrete runway 12/30 with a length of 4060 meters
long, 60 meters wide, and 7.5 meters hard surface shoulder on each side. Runway 12 and runway
30 has a displaced threshold of 300 meters. Appendix B of this Report illustrates Sharjah Airport
The slope of runway 12 over the last 1,500 meters is positive 0.6 percent. The runways
center lighting consists of bi-directional, 15 meters spacing with the first 3,130 meters white, next
600 meters alternate white/red, and the last 330 m red. At the end of runways 12 and 30, there is
a runway-end safety area (RESA) of 240 meters by 60 meters consisting of asphalt material for the
first 124 meters and road base material for the remainder. The landing approach lights fitted on the
RESA are spaced 30 meters apart, with the last light 30 meters before the start of the runway. The
runways have no arresting system installed.
Figure 7 illustrates that when runway 30 is used for intersection takeoff at Bravo 14, a left
turn is required, with a take-off distance available of 3052 meters. The taxiway centerline that leads
to runway 12 and runway 30 is marked with a continuous 150 millimeter wide yellow line in
accordance with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Regulations
CAR Part IX - Aerodromes
. In
case a right turn is made, the aircraft will be on runway 12 with the runway available of 1006 meters,