§ Home Beauty
Step 1
– Stable Ozone
When using this product, turn on for 30 seconds to let the
electrodes break down oxygen in the air from 3O
into 2O
produce stable ozone.
Step 2
– Deep Cleanse
After cleansing the face, use this product at the T and V parts of the
face to fully cleanse the epidermis, prevent aging, whiten the skin
and promote metabolism.
Avoid touching acne/pimples on the face
directly with this product. Run the kit lightly
over the surrounding areas and wait for the
affected part to scab over before treatment.
§ Home Care
For sensitive, itchy or allergic skin, as ozone has an anti-bacterial
effect, touch the affected area lightly with the O
light bulb to sterilize
the skin and prevent itchiness.