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Professionally Installed Products
The product is to be installed according to the installation instructions. The Use/Operator does not have access to the device once the device is
installed and in use. Provisions for permanent grounding is provided.
1. Installation personal: This product is designed for specific application and needs to be installed by a qualified personal who has RF and related rule
knowledge. The general user shall not attempt to install or change the setting.
2. Installation location: The product shall be installed at a location where the radiating antenna can be kept 20 cm from nearby person in normal
operation condition to meet regulatory RF exposure requirement. Additionally, installation locations with 35km of Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
locations shall follow instructions below.
a. Any installation of either a master or a client device within 35 km of a TDWR location shall be separated by at least 30 MHz center-to-
center) from the TDWR operating frequency.
b. A voluntary WISPA sponsored database has been developed that allows operators and installers to register the location information of the
UNII devices operating outdoors in the 5470 – 5725 MHz band within 35 km of any TDWR location (see
). This database may be used by government agencies in order to expedite resolution of
any interference to TDWRs.
c. Addition information can be obtained from the FCC Knowledge Database, Publication Number 443999.
3. External antenna: Use only the antennas which have been approved by Ruckus Wireless. The non-approved antenna(s) may produce unwanted
spurious or excessive RF transmitting power which may lead to the violation of FCC limit and is prohibited.
4. Installation procedure: Please refer to user’s manual for the detail.
5. Warning: Please carefully select the installation position and make sure that the final output power does not exceed the limit set force in US Rule
CFR 47 part 15 section 15.247 & 15.407. The violation of the rule could lead to serious federal penalty.
External Antenna Notice
This radio transmitter has been approved by the FCC and Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum
permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than
the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
Le présent émetteur radio (identifier le dispositif par son numéro de certification ou son numéro de modèle s'il fait partie du matériel de catégorie I) a
été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et
l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal
indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
Model: ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC
: This device has been designed to operate with an omni-directional antenna
having maximum gain of 6dBi or a patch antenna having a maximum gain of 23 dBi. Other antenna types or having greater gain are strictly prohibited
for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Model: ZF7782
[ZoneFlex 7782, ZoneFlex 7782-S, ZoneFlex 7782-N, ZoneFlex 7782-E],
Model: ZF7781CM
[ZoneFlex 7781CM, ZoneFlex 7781CM-
S, ZoneFlex 7781CM-E] and
Model ZF7781FN
[ZoneFlex 7781FN, ZoneFlex 7781FN-S, ZoneFlex7781FN-E ]: This device has been designed to
operate with an omni-directional antenna having maximum gain of 5.5dBi, Sector and Patch external antenna’s with a maximum gain of 15dBi. Other
antenna types or having greater gain are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Model: SC8800
[SmartCell 8800; SmartCell 8800-S]: This device has been designed to operate with sector antenna having a maximum gain of 8 dBi
for US and Canada. For Europe, the device can be operated with an omni-directional antenna having maximum gain of 5.5dBi, Sector and Patch
external antenna’s with a maximum gain of 24dBi. Other antenna types or having greater gain are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The
required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Model: ZoneFlex 7441
[ZF7441]: This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having maximum gain of 2dBi. Other antenna types or
having greater gain are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Model: ZoneFlex 7372E
[ZF7372E]: This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having maximum gain of 7dBi. Other antenna types
or having greater gain are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Products intended to be powered by an external power supply:
Caution –This product is intended to be supplied by a Listed Direct Plug-In Power Unit marked Class 2 or LPS (sub-clause 2.5 of standard EN 60950-
1). Available Ruckus power supplies intended for product operation are identified in the product datasheet. The last two digits of the power supply
part number represent the country code. For additional applicable power supplies/options, see user instructions and product datasheet.
Australia Statement
This device complies with the ACMA requirements for a Wi-Fi device namely Radio Communications (Low Impact Potential Devices) Class Licence
2000 Amd. 1:2007 and Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling – Electromagnetic Radiation) Notice 2003. The equipment complies with the
ACMA requirements for radiation exposure for a "general user/non-aware user". This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum
distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This equipment complies with the Australian safety requirements and should only used with
the specified power adapter according to the product datasheet.
Brazil Statement
For Brazil, those products are designed for specific application and needs to be installed by a qualified personal who has RF and related rule
knowledge. Regarding the operation on range of 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz , the average output power of the equipments must be adjusted to the
maximum limit of - 0,48 dBm and for 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz, the average output power of the equipments must be adjusted to the maximum limit of
6,44 dBm
Para o Brasil, esses produtos são projetados para aplicações específicas e necessidades a serem instalados por um pessoal qualificado que tenha
conhecimento regra RF e afins.Em relação à operação em série de 5150 MHz a 5350 MHz, a potência média de saída dos equipamentos deve ser
ajustado para o limite máximo de - 0,48 dBm e para 5470 MHz a 5725 MHz, a potência média de saída dos equipamentos deve ser ajustada ao limite
máximo de 6,44 dBm