Step 3:
Insert the i nner duct cover into the
ou ter d uct c over.
S tep 2 :
M atch the bracket t o the hole s
of the inne r duc t cov er an d fix it
well with M4 sc rew s.
M atch the bracket t o the hole s
of the Oute r duc t co ver and fi x it
well with M4 sc rew s.
S tep 4 :
M atch the hole s of o uter duct
c over and blower bo x, fi x the oute r
d uct cover to the blo wer box usin g
8 pcs M 4
10 screw pro vide d with
th e fix ing tool as illustra ted.
Inner duct
M4 Screw
Inner duct cover
Outer duct cover
Inner duct cover
Ou ter duct cover
Exhaust pipe
Fix the air outlet to the blower box with four
Place the exhaust pipe to the air outlet as
illustrated and use one ST3.9X10 screw to fix
the exhaust to air outlet pipe.
Step 1:
A ir outle t
3. C lean the filter on ce a week or accord ing to u se status. Pr ess the buckle of
the filter slightly, take off th e filter and pu t it into w arm soapy water using
mild d etergent, lig htly brush the filter w ith soft brush. Replac e t he filter after
it is dr y.
4. C lean the motor fan and o ther insid e par ts tw ice a y ear or accordin g to use
5. D O NOT clea n mo tor with water or other liquid .
1. Use only mild so ap or detergent solutions to clean the cooker hood surface.
Dry surfaces using soft cloth.
2. Use a stainless steel cleaning solution to bring the glow back into a
stainless steel finish.
Touch this button one
time,the lamp will be
lighted,It shows
on the digital display,
Touch again,the lamp
will extinguish.
1. Touch this button one
time when the hood is
working, it will prolong
working time one minute.
2. Touch two times,it will
turn off at once.
Motor On/Off
When the hood stay Off,
keep touching this button
3 seconds,and then the
hood stay clock set.
1.When the hood
working,touch this
button one time ,it
can set time as timer,
touch each one more
time can add one min,
The longest time you
can set is 60 mins.
2.When the hood non-
working ,touch this
button for 3 seconds,
it shows
the digital display,
you can use
to set
like a clock.
“ ”
“ ”
Touch this button to
change the speed
from low to high.
Touch this button to
change the speed
from high to low.
Fan:Touch this button or
button,the low speed
is on,and it shows
on the digital display,
and touch this button
once again to turn off;
Touch this button or
button,the high speed is
on,and it shows
on the digital display,and
touch this button once
again to turn off.
Caution: Never put your hand into the area housing
while the fan is operating.
For the optimal level of operation, clean the cooker
hood surface, fan and aluminium filter regularly.
Safety warning
Hood may h ave very sharp edges; please wear protective
glove s if it is necessary to remov e any parts for installing,
cleaning or servicing.