Manual D450 • Fishing Bumper Subs • Page 7
Logan Fishing Bumper Sub
The wear-resistant Logan Fishing Bum-
per Sub requires minimal maintenance.
Thoroughly wash the tool — inside and
out — and remove all drilling mud and
debris after each use. Lubricate cleaned
tool to prevent corrosion. The knocker
seal rings should be periodically exam-
ined for damage and wear. The tool
should be disassembled and the rings
replaced when damage is evident.
Complete Disassembly
Refer to the illustration on page 3 and
proceed with disassembly as follows:
Use only enough grip-
ping action in the vise to break the
connections. Avoid making heavy
tool marks.
1. Secure the Logan Fishing Bumper
Sub a suitable vise, approximately
in the middle of the mandrel body.
2. Remove the top sub and lay it aside.
3. Remove the middle body from the
mandrel body and lay it aside.
4. Back-off or remove the knocker lock
screw before removing the knocker
to prevent damage to the mandrel.
Before removing the
knocker, make certain the knocker
lock screw is removed or backed-off.
The knocker set screw could damage
the mandrel.
5. Remove the knocker from the
mandrel and lay it aside.
Do not wrench on the
hardfaced bands between the
wrench flats or gouge them with the
sides of the wrench jaws. If they are
inadvertently upset or otherwise
damaged, remove the upset or burr
with fine emery cloth or a hand file.
Clean and lubricate.
8. Slide the mandrel out through the
bottom of the mandrel body. Support
the weight of the mandrel with a
soft line or wire rope sling as it is
9. Remove the mandrel and lay it
10. Remove the mandrel body from the
vise and lay it aside.
11. Skip to step 15 if the optional chev-
ron packing set has been used.
12. Examine the knocker O-ring seals,
seal protector rings, and seal non-
extrusion rings for wear and/or
damage. Remove seals and rings
that show signs of wear and/or
a. Carefully insert the tip of either the
bent-tip installation tool* (Logan
Part No. J1073) or O-ring installa-
tion tool* (Logan Part No. J1074)
between the O-ring and the seal
protector ring. Carefully lift out the
O-ring, taking care not to damage
the seal protector ring or non-
extrusion ring.
Do not run the installation
tool around the groove under the
rings. This will scratch and damage
the grooves.
13. Examine the O-rings for damage or
distortion. Check the seal protector
rings and non-extrusion rings, using
the forefinger to feel for burrs or
other damage.
14. Remove all damaged seal protector
rings and non-extrusion rings.
15. Inspect optional chevron packing
set (if used) by removing the
retainer ring and packing ring. Refer
to the diagram on page 5. Replace
chevron packing set if it is worn or
16. Thoroughly clean all disassembled
parts in solvent and wipe dry with
a clean, soft cloth. Lubricate parts
with a thin coating of a good grade
of clean lightweight oil.
17. Examine all parts for defects,
especially polished surfaces, for
pits or scratches. Parts that have
become pitted or scratched must
be replaced with new parts prior
to reassembly.
18. Inspect the mandrel for upsets.
Grind off upsets with a small hand
file or grinder.
Disassembly is now complete.
* These installation tools are available from Logan upon request.