Product name
: RTX2018 User Manual 1.0.docx
Ref.: FHA
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This document and the information contained is property of RTX A/S, Denmark, and should be regarded as confidential.
Unauthorized copying is not allowed. The information in this document is believed to be correct at the time of writing. RTX A/S
reserves the right at any time to change said content, circuitry and specifications.
This is the DLL that interacts with the CMW100 driver and performs the measurement
calculations. Please refer to [1] for the DLL API.
This DLL can be used in ATE solutions or other applications where the user wants to integrate
and automate the RTX2018.
The documentation for the RTX2018 will during installation be copied to the
“../RTX2018/docu” folder. This includes
This document i.e. the RTX2018 User Manual
The DLL Interface description [1]