This bit indicates that calibrated voltage sources Float Cal High 00 or Float Cal High 01
are outside tolerance.
Bit 2
Cal Low
This bit indicates that ground voltages Float Cal Low 00 or Float Cal Low 01 are outside
Bit 1
Channel Failure
This bit indicates that the card has a failure on one or more of its channels. Examine the
channel specific error status word to isolate the failed channel(s).
Bit 0
Card Timeout Error
This bit indicates that there was no response from the I/O card. The card is not returning
a ready test signal, is offline, or has been removed from the chassis. This bit sets the
Card Error Latch (Bit 14).
Integer Channel Error Status 00
The Channel Error Status 00 is an Int Variable that returns fault indications for channels 0 through
15. For the SC3015 this register is always zero.
Integer Channel Error Status 01
The channel Error Status 01 is an Int Variable that returns fault indications for channels 16
through 31. For the SC3015 this register is always zero.
Integer Line Short Status 00
The Line Short Status 00 returns the results of the input line short tests on channels 0 through 15.
For the SC3015 this register is always zero.
Integer Line Short Status 01
The Line Short Status 01 returns the results of the input line short tests on channels 16 through
31. For the SC3015 this register is always zero.
Integer SOE 00
Input channels 15 through 0 on the SOE card are represented in this Int Variable as shown
below. This input value is accessed by the Int Variable object with the same Tag. Reconfigure
the Tag as required to match the Module Form Int Value object that is used to monitor the card's
SOE input in RTP3000S, RTP3000D, RTP3000T and RTP3000Q SIS. The RTP3000M does not
provide SOE.