XPWR104HR 17
RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc
Output power calculations
The maximum available power for the +5V computer system can be estimated
using the following conservative formula:
(The output of the main converter is 15A)
I1 = (+12V output current)
I2 = (-12V output current)
I3 = (+5V output current)
I4 = (-5V output current)
I_bus = +5V to bus
75W = ((I1*12)/0.88 + (I2*12)/0.77 +((I4 *5)/0.038)/0.77)/0.92 + I_bus*5+I3*5
Note: Even though the total output power figure of 15A @5V is not exceeded you
must remember not to overload an individual output! Care must be taken
not to thermally overload the unit. The maximum specified output power
may not be available if the ambient temperature rises, and in this case
additional heat sinking or additional airflow may be necessary.