Real Time Automation, Inc.
Sending data from PLC to RTA gateway to end device will be your Output Groups, this is your O2T
(Output Instance). Using the RTA Connection Parameters example above, the mapping will be displayed
as such. The source mapping can be setup by groups with individual or ranged data elements.
Mapping 1 is calling out Group 1 from the Output Groups. The [ ] are going to represent each 16-bit data
format. Listed below the start is O2T_Grp1[0] and the end is O2T_Grp1[15]. Each group is going to
represent 32 bytes of data in a 16-bit format.
In your RSLogix, there are no concept of “Groups”. RSLogix will just display as “name”:O.Data[0] –
Best practice would be to utilize the Description field in RSLogix to identify [0] = RTA Group1, [16] = RTA
Group2, etc.
Sending data from end device to RTA gateway to PLC will be your Input Groups, this is your T2O (Input
Instance). Same logix would apply as above but this would be the Destination on the Mapping