Real Time Automation, Inc.
In the Clear Error Section:
Select the Clear Error Operation. Available options are <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==, and Change of
State (COS). This is the operation that will be used to compare the Data Point value against
the Error Value to determine if the alarm needs to be cleared.
Select the Clear Error Value.
-Ex: Ticks Since Powerup >= 5000. This will clear the alarm after 5000 ticks have elapsed
since the unit powered up.
Enter an Alarm Name. This will make the alarm unique and will be available in the Alarm Status page
as well as in the email generated by the alarm.
Select an email to associate this alarm with. When an alarm is set, it sends an email. When an alarm
is cleared, it will also send an email.
Click the
Save Parameters
button to commit the changes to memory and reboot the gateway.