Integrating Sound Level Meter / EN
08/15/16 Version No. 01
The SLM 1353M provides frequency weightings A, and C. The electrical characteristics
of the weighting network at AC output connector are as shown below.
The human perception of a sound depends not only on the sound pressure level, but
also on the frequency. At high or low frequencies, a sound is felt to be less loud than a
sound of equal level in the midrange. The frequency weighting A compensates for this
effect and produces measurement results which are close to the perceived sound level.
For this reason, this type of frequency weighting is widely used for purposes such as
sound level evaluation.
The frequency weighting C curve produces almost flat response, but with a roll off below
31.5Hz and above 8000Hz. This is suitable for sound pressure level measurements in
situations with unwanted low-frequency or high-frequency components.