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It is important to erect your tent before its intended use, this will allow you to check that you have all the necessary 
parts and will help familiarse yourself with the product. 


It is important to erect your tent and allow it to get thoroughly wet (by rain water if possible) and allow it to dry 
naturally. This should be done 2-3 times to successfully weather your tent. If this is not done then your tent may leak 
on its first use. 


All our tents are supplied as waterproof, however all tents have a maximum tolerance to water pressure and once 
this is exceeded water seepage can occur.
During wet conditions try to prevent belongings or objects inside the tent from leaning against the side of the fabric 
as this can allow water to seep in. 
Additionally, avoid leaving valuable items such as mobile phones or other electrical items at floor level overnight or 
during wet weather, so if leakage does occur your items will remain dry. 


Condensation can occur in any tent, but it is more likely to occur in nylon or polyester on non-breathable cotton 
tents and should not be confused with a leaking tent.
Moisture held in the air can, in certain conditions, form beads of water when it comes in contact with a cold surface 
such as the outer skin of the tent.
It can be difficult to prevent condensation if you are in a damp or humid environment but many of our tents come 
with ventilation to combat this. 


This is a fungus that can attack the fabric of your tent if it is stored in wet or damp conditions and eventually can rot 
the fabric. To prevent this from happening fully erect your damp tent and leave to dry as soon as you return from 
your trip. 


Dirt and stains can be removed by brushing with a mild pure soap solution. Never use detergents and do not scrub. 
Rinse well and fully dry before packing away.

General Maintenance & Care

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20/10/2017   16:09
