Automatic Self-test
The machine will automatically perform a self-test when it is turned on. If there is a problem, the preset display will show an error code.
Automatic Start
The machine is programmed to automatically start counting bills once placed into the hopper.
ultraviolet Counterfeit Detection
Counterfeit bills often use white or bleached paper, which will glow under ultraviolet light. To use ultraviolet counterfeit detection, press
the CHK button and then the BAT/UV button. The UV mode indicator will turn on showing that function is on.
Infrared Counterfeit Detection
Infrared light is used to measure the width of the center of each bill. The light will detect if there is an odd-sized bill. To use infrared
counterfeit detection, press the CHK button and then the ADD/IR button. The IR mode indicator will turn on showing that the function is
Magnetic Counterfeit Detection
There is a presence of magnetic components that are standard in authentic bills. The magnetic sensor detects for the magnetic
components. To use magnetic counterfeit detection, press the CHK button and then the +1/MG button. The MG mode indicator will
turn on showing that the function is on.