Since 1986
Klaus Jansen //
Richard-Byrd-Str. 7 // 50829 Cologne // Germany
Fon +49(0)221/222886 0 // Fax +49(0)221/22288622
[email protected] // www.royal-exclusiv.de
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All information subject to change. We try our best, but printing errors reserved.
by switching the plug on and off.
We do not advise repeatedly switching on and off to force
the internal pump back into operation. If a
Red Dragon
pump switched itself off, there is a defect which needs to
be resolved. Often, a clean is all that is required.
Permanently tricking the circuit may result in severe motor
damage, which is not covered by warranty.
Once the individual parts of the skimmer have been re-
moved from the filter tank, remove the jet tube (nozzle)
from its holder and put the skimmer onto a flat, soft surface
or a towel and start to disassemble the Mini Bubble King
as shown below. A standard mid-size screw driver and a
Philips-tip screw driver is required for a complete disas-
Take the skimmer-pot and the
resonator off. Then remove the air
hose from the nozzle and pull
those with slight rotation and
press movements due to the
wedge tube. Now you can
remove the wedge pipe.
First untighten the plastic screw of the injection pan, which
you can then extract from the body. If you turn the screw
connection, remove also the base of the injection pan from
the body. As soon as the titanium screws at the bottom are
solved, can be pulled the pump with the lower bottom plate
carefully from the body of the skimmer. Refer to the follow-
ing images in a logical sequence.
Royal Exclusiv Pumpen
Since 1986
Klaus Jansen //
Richard-Byrd-Str. 7 // 50829 Köln // Deutschland
Fon +49(0)221/222886 0 // Fax +49(0)221/22288622
[email protected] // www.royal-exclusiv.de
Datenblatt und Ersatzteilliste für Mini Bubble King 200
Für alle Mini Bubble King Eiweißabschäumer 200 VS13 mit Red Dragon
3 Mini Speedy