ROXELL - 2313
DISCLAIMER : The original, authoritative version of this manual is the English version produced by
ROXELL bvba.
Subsequent changes to any manual made by any third party have not been reviewed nor authenticated by
Roxell. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, translation into languages other than English, and additions to or
deletions from the original content. Roxell disclaims responsibility for any and all damages, injuries, warranty claims and/or
any other claims associated with such changes, inasmuch as such changes result in content that is different from the authoritat-
ive Roxell--published English version of the manual. For current product installation and operation information, please con-
tact the customer service and/or technical service departments of Roxell. Should you observe any questionable content in any
manual, please notify Roxell immediately in writing to: ROXELL bvba -- Industrielaan 13, 9990 Maldegem -- Belgium.