background image

4. Join the two assemblies continued

Attach to the bottom of the dividing panels the remaining two base plates using 2 x 60mm screws per plate. It’s
important to note that these will sit inside just inside the other base plates see diagram below. Attach the front rails as
shown using 8 x 40mm screws. 

2. Base plates

Attach two base plates to each assembly using 2 x 40mm screws per plate.  Attach the plates as shown in the diagram
below, ensure that the end of each plate is flush with the corners of the side panels.

3. Join the two assemblies

Join the two assemblies together using the third back panel, with the panel at the same height as the other back panels
fix in place using 6 x 60mm screws.



1. End panels, dividing panels and back panels

Attach to a back panel one end panel and one dividing panel as shown below using 6 x 60mm screws. Create a second
assembly in the same way ensuring that the end panel and the dividing panel are on the opposite sides compared to
the first assembly. 




View of the bottom of the assembly:

Base plates fitted just inside the other base plates






Important Note:

when assembling the

second assembly ensure

that the end and dividing

panels are on the

opposite sides compared

to the first assembly.





5. Doors

Attach the hinges to the frames of the doors as shown below using 3x30mm screws per hinge. Position the doors
between the panels leaving a small gap between the bottom of the doors and the base plates. Secure the hinges to the
outer side panels using 3x30mm screws per hinge. For each door position the two parts of the slide bolt as shown
below and secure using 6x30mm screws for each bolt set.
