5 Never sail when the operator is under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
6 Be aware of the crew/passenger's safety at all times;
7 Ensure all crew receive suitable training, particularly with regards to location and
operation of safety equipment;
8 Reduce speed when there is limited visibility, rough water, people in the water nearby,
boats, or structures;
9 Ensure the craft is properly maintained at all time;
10 Have the craft inspected by qualified personnel at regular intervals and whenever a
cause for concern is raised; and
11 Ensure compliance with all legislation in place in the area of operation. These may
include requirements for the carriage of life saving equipment, licensing of the helmsman
and respect for the environment.
This manual has been compiled to help you to operate your craft with safety and pleasure.
It contains details of the craft; the equipment supplied or fitted its systems and
information on their operation. Please read it carefully and familiarise yourself with the
craft before using it. Ensure that everyone who will operate the vessel reads this manual
before setting out.
This manual complies with the EU Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) and should not be
perceived as an exhaustive guide to the vessel. A manual is not a replacement for
experience and common sense!
2.1 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Manuals
This manual includes important fundamentals regarding equipment supplied by
manufacturers. More detailed information regarding such equipment can be found in
manuals provided by the OEM. A list of these manuals is given here:
• Engine
• Steering gear
• Navigation lights
• Batteries
2.2 Safety Labels
RowingSolutions Ltd Owner’s Manual CAT2014 Page 4
66 Highfield Park, Wargrave, Reading. RG10 8LE. UK Tel: +44(0)1189 401 041 Mobile: +44(0)7860 224 007