Trend chart display
The trend chart graph shows the past measurements
for one of the three parameters (CO2/RH/TEMP).
There are 4 modes that can be switched using the
arrows: CO2, TEMP, RH and CYCLE (CYCLE
automatically switches between CO2/TEMP/RH).
How does the trend chart view work?
1. Press switch between the three parameters or CYCLE (CO2/TEMP/RH).
2. Press switch between the different zoom levels (minute/hour/day/week).
Table of available zoom levels
Below is a table of the available zoom levels
for all parameters CO2/TEMP/RH and the
duration of each division for the relevant
zoom levels
In the top right corner of the display are two numeric indicators: MAX and MIN.
When the zoom level is changed, the MAX and MIN values are displayed on the graph
of the selected parameter (CO2, RH and TEMP).
1M (minute)
Time per division
1H (hour)
1D (day)
1W (week)