See www.routerboard.com for more information. Contact [email protected]
Cloud Core Router series
Setup Guide and Warranty Information
The ROUTERBOARD is a high performance multicore router with twelve Gigabit ports and four SFP cages. Several models are
currently available: CloudCoreRouter
(36 cores, 8x Gigabit ports, 2x SFP+ ports), CloudCoreRouter
(36 cores, 12x Gigabit ports, 2x2GB RAM), CloudCoreRouter
(32 cores, 12x Gigabit ports, 2x8GB RAM),
(16 cores, 12x Gigabit ports, 2x1GB RAM),
First use
The device comes preinstalled with RouterOS and is ready to use. Device is compatible with RouterOS v6 and newer, if your
device comes preinstalled with an earlier version, please upgrade before using it.
The Ethernet ports 1 has a default IP address for connecting:
username is
and there is
no password.
Please connect with your web browser to this IP address and choose Webfig to configure it. The device doesn’t have any
other configuration applied by default, please connect to it, and set up WAN IP addresses, user password, firewall etc.
See this page for connection and configuration guides:
110~250 VAC
Extension Slots and Ports
Twelve Gigabit Ethernet ports (Auto MDI/X);
Eight Gigabit ports
: Four SFP cages;
Two SFP+ cages
One LCD connector (LCD touchscreen included)
Resetting the device
In case you wish to return the device to its original configuration, you can use the RESET button. Hold this button during boot
time until LED lights start flashing, then release the button to
reset RouterOS configuration.
You can use this procedure if
you have forgotten the password to access the device, or simply wish to return the unit to its default configuration state.
Buttons and Jumpers
RouterBOOT reset button (image Reset1) has several functions:
Hold the button before powering on the device, and at power up, the button will force load the backup boot
loader. Continue holding the button for the other two functions of this button:
Release the button when green LED starts flashing, to reset RouterOS configuration. To not load backup boot
loader, you can start holding the button after power is already applied
Release the button after LED is no longer flashing (~20 seconds) to cause device to look for Netinstall servers
(required for reinstalling RouterOS over network)
RouterOS reset jumper hole (image Reset2):
resets RouterOS
software to defaults. Hold screwdriver pressed to this
reset hole, and boot the device. Hold screwdriver in place until RouterOS configuration is cleared (10 seconds).
Operating System Support
Currently tested operating system is MikroTik RouterOS (starting from version 6).