Welcome to the family! Thank you for bringing a new ROUSH
F-150 into your home. I have no doubt that this
vehicle will provide you with much enjoyment through the years of your ownership, and that you will receive more
compliments and second glances than you can imagine.
We like to say that “Between a race car and a road car… is a ROUSH
car.” What this means is that your F-150 is
a blend between our racing heritage and the OEM work that we do for all the major automakers. The experience we
have in engineering, manufacturing, prototyping, tooling, and calibrating are blended together to produce the
This owner’s manual will cover some specifics relating to the ROUSH
added to the Ford F-150. If you have any questions about the vehicle,
operation or maintenance, visit www.ROUSHperformance.com or
call us at
800.59.ROUSH (800.597.6874)