Vista KVM-Series Installation and Operations Manual
Maximum computers
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, type “P”, enter the total number of
computers, and press <Enter>. This command limits the number of
computers to scan. For example on an four-port unit, if no computers were
connected to ports 3 and 4, setting maximum computers to 2 would
bypass scanning computers 3 and 4.
Typematic command
Initial factory setting = 43. Rate = 10.9 chars/sec, Delay = 500 millisec.
See Attachment F for typematic value calculations.
Mouse type
To issue the “Mouse type” command press and release the left <Ctrl> key,
type “Q”, enter mouse type (0,1,2), and press <Enter>.
Mouse type 0 = PS/2 mouse
Mouse type 1 = Serial mouse
Mouse type 2 = Wheel mouse
Reset to initial factory settings
The settings that have been previously set and saved in non-volatile
memory can be returned to their initial factory settings by holding in
buttons “1" and “2” on the front panel and press and release the ”Reset"
button. At least one CPU must be connected to the unit, so that the unit
can be powered. The activity LED will flash three times to signify that the
non-volatile memory has been returned to the original factory settings.
Only those settings listed in Appendix A are reset, all other settings remain
unchanged from their set values.