Step 7
Snap open Gotcha completely (if not
already open) so that bottom hinge us
turned up as far as possible.
Fig. 8
Step 8
Slip graphic into open rails of frame and
all the way into opposite edge of frame.
Fig. 9
Step 9
Snap Gotcha closed.
Fig. 10
Instruction Sheet
AnoGotcha™ Frame
Instructions for Hanging
is a trademark of Rose Displays, Ltd. Neither the manufacturer
nor any sales agent may be held liable for injury, loss or damage resulting from
the use of these products.
Part #02INSAnoGotchaFrameSaucer
35 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970
Tel# 1- 800 631-9707 Fax# 1-800-560-2890
e-mail:[email protected]
Figure 10
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 9 (detail)