Locking brake
Once the optimum position of the tables has been reached, the castors
are locked. All tables are equipped with four lockable castors. The Delta
locks are pressed down with the foot on the cantilever and released with
the tip of the foot in the upper part of the brake.
Special function for the high table:
Hight adjust the knurled wheel to compensate for wobble on the floor.
2/ Adequate Castor quality for different floor types
In the standard version the tables are equipped with black soft all-‐round
'Move' double castors with a no-‐noise pin rom
Gross und Froehlich
. All
castor surfaces in the "Move" collection are available upon request, for all
floors types, respectively .. Here the rule applies:
-‐ hard floor = soft castors
-‐ soft floor = hard castors