Rev 03/2022
V1.0 - Page
Subject to modifications!
romutec Steuer.-und Regelsysteme GmbH Jochsberger Straße 39 D-91592 Buch am Wald
Subject to technical changes
1 Features and advantages of RCG32
RCG32, the DIN rail mounted Modbus TCP/RTU Bridge from romutec®, provides the
following features:
Native support of Modbus TCP
Native support of Modbus RTU
Supports all Modbus function codes
Supports all response and exception Codes
Programmed in accordance with Modbus Application Protocol Specification Rev. V1.1b3
Web Interface
Available Serial Configurations:
Databits: 5, 6, 7 or 8
Parity: None, Even, Odd
Stoppbits: 1 or 2
Baudrate: 50Bd to 500
WIFI in AP Mode
WIFI in Station Mode
Ethernet RJ45
24V AC/DC-power supply input
2 serial interfaces in bridge mode with different settings
255 Telegrams buffer, dynamically allocated
1.1 Copyright and legal notice
Copyright ® 2021 romutec® Steuer- u. Regelsysteme GmbH. All rights reserved. Without the express written
permission, this manual may not be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a data recording system, or
translated into any language or computer language, neither in whole or in part. This applies to any form and any
means, whether electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or any other way.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric, licensed to the Modbus Organization, Inc.
Errors and changes excepted