Before You Use VR-09 Editor (Connecting Via Wireless LAN)
If the screen indicates “No instrument found,” check the
following points
Points to check
Is the instrument powered-on?
Is the wireless USB adapter (WNA1100-RL) connected to the instrument?
Are you using an instrument that
supports wireless LAN functionality?
For details on models that support wireless LAN
functionality, refer to
Is the instrument connected to the
wireless LAN?
For details on making settings for your instrument,
refer to the VR-09 owner’s manual.
Are the instrument and the iPad
connected to the same network (the
same wireless LAN access point)?
Is the wireless LAN access point set to
allow communication between wireless
LAN devices?
Refer to the owner’s manual of your wireless LAN
access point for details on settings.
This completes the necessary settings . Now you can proceed to p . 7!