Remove all four transmission attaching bolts, three on the frame mount, and one
next to the upper cross shaft. (Two should already be removed from the brake
bracket as described in step 11).
At this point
: Transmission can be removed, by moving left to right to loosen
it from the driveline clutch, sliding back into fender well, and carefully turning
sideways and pulling upward. Note: If the transmission can be shifted into 3rd
gear, it will ease removal, by having the shift ball closer to the transmission.
Reverse disassembly procedure for assembling.
Replace worn parts as needed. (ie. roll pins, worn nuts or bolts, drive belt, etc.)
Use thread lock compound on transmission bolts upon reassembly.
Section 2, Procedure for Transmission and Driveline Removal:
Follow steps 1-5 in Section 1.
Remove in order: rear wheel, tail section of muffl er, and rear fender.
Remove the two carrier bearing bolts, which are located under the fuel tank.
Remove front chain guard cover, front drive chain, and headlight. Note: Ground
wire for the headlight must be routed behind front miter box assembly.
Remove front brake caliper assembly. Note: Take caution not to undo the brake
line from the spring assembly. Disconnect cotter pin and relieve brake tension.
Remove two 1/2” bolts that secure the assembly to the bracket. Swing out of the
way. Remove brake disc.
Remove front miter box assembly. (This is done by removing the two 1/2” bolts
from behind the miter box assembly.) Pull miter box assembly straight out of
bore, with universal joint attached. Set aside.
Remove transmission assembly and drive line as one unit (Ease disassembly by
making sure the transmission is shifted into the highest gear. Shift ball closest to
the transmission.) Pull the assembly straight out of the bore.
Reverse procedure for reassembly.
Section 7
Repair Procedures
ROKON INTERNATIONAL, 50 Railroad Ave., Rochester, New Hampshire 03839, U.S.A
Copyright 2002-7