To clean the air-filled products featured in this manual:
Remove all linens and/or straps. Turn valve(s) clockwise to close and place product in large
sink. Use mild liquid hand soap, hand dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, or multipurpose
detergent that is used for general cleaning. Dilute, following product label directions for surface
cleaning. Use a soft plastic bristle brush, sponge, or wash
cloth to gently scrub all surfaces. Rinse thoroughly with clean
water and air dry.
To disinfect the air-filled products featured in this manual:
Repeat cleaning instructions. Use a solution of 1 part household liquid bleach per 9 parts of
warm water. Follow safety guidelines on bleach product label. Keep the clean product wet with
bleach solution for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and air dry.
germicidal disinfectants are safe if used
following the disinfectant manufacturer’s
dilution directions.
Note on Sterilization:
ROHO products are not packaged in a sterile condition, nor are they
intended or required to be sterilized prior to usage. High temperatures accelerate aging and
may cause damage to the product assembly. If institution protocol demands sterilization,
open the valve(s) and use the lowest temperature possible for the shortest time possible.
Gas sterilization is preferable to steam autoclave, but neither is recommended. In any
process using pressure, ensure all valves are open to prevent damage to the product. ROHO,
Inc. highly discourages sterilization methods using temperatures greater than 200° F (93°
C) for DRY FLOATATION products or the Thyroid Pillow and 160° F (71°C) for Air Floatation
Mattress Overlays.
When properly used and disposed of, the components of the products in this manual are
associated with no known environmental hazards. Dispose of the product and/or components
in accordance with the applicable regulations in your jurisdiction. DO NOT INCINERATE.
• machine wash or machine dry ROHO DRY FLOATATION products, PRODIGY, SOFFLEX 2,
or Thyroid Pillow.
• use abrasives such as steel wool or scouring pads.
• use caustic, automatic dishwasher detergents.
• use cleaning products containing petroleum or organic solvents including acetone,
toluene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), naphtha, dry cleaning fluids, adhesive removers,
• allow water or cleaning solution to enter the product.
• expose to direct sunlight, ultraviolet light or ozone gas cleaning methods.
• use oil-based lotions, lanolin, or phenolic-based disinfectants on ROHO DRY
FLOATATION products or Thyroid Pillow because they may compromise the integrity of
the material.