1. Mouth
2. Handle
3. Coffee pot
4 On/off switch
5. Heating base
How to using the Coffee Maker
Making Coffee:
1. Max 3 cup of coffee can be made at each time.
2.Pour water into the coffee pot according to how many
cups of coffee you want to make(Max 3 cups).
3.Replace the coffee pot on the heating base.
4. Turn on the on/off switch.
5. Mix the coffee powder in the coffee pot for a short time.
6. When the coffee start boiling, immediately turn off the
on/off switch. You may wait for few seconds to have foam top on the coffee.
Preparing Hot water
-To be Safety please do remember the water should NOT exceed the max level 400ml
-Pour the amount(Not exceed the Max level 400ml)of water into the coffee pot.
-Turn on the on/off switch
-When the water start boiling, immediately turn off the on/off switch
Cleaning Coffee Pot
Inside Cleaning: Unplug the Coffee maker from the power stock
You can use detergent to clean up the coffee maker if it is too
dirty. Otherwise boiled water can clean it
)DO NOT DIP your coffee maker into the water That cause
electricity shock hazard and break down your coffee maker.
Even if there is bi-metal saver to protect against overheating, DO NOT TURN ON yo
ur coffee maker while there is no water in it.
Do not boil the milk in the brewing pot. If you boil the milk
in the brewing pot, It sticks on heating element and makes a
black layer that can only be cleaned by steel wool.
So we do not recommend to be put milk into the brewing pot.