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11 July 2019
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This application note will help developers quickly implement proof-of-concept designs using the
tri-axis accelerometer. Please refer to the corresponding Technical Reference Manual
document for available engines specific to your product and additional implementation guidelines.
Kionix strives to ensure that our accelerometers will meet design expectations by default, but it is not
possible to provide default setting to work in every environment. Depending on the intended
application, it is very likely that some customization will be required to optimize performance. The
information provided here will help the developer get the most out of these tri-axis accelerometers.
Circuit Schematic
This section shows recommended wiring for this accelerometer, based on proven operation of the
part. Specific applications may require modifications from these recommendations. Please refer to
the corresponding Product Specifications document for all pin descriptions.
Figure 1:
KX132 Application Schematic