P. 7
© 2017 ROHM Co.,Ltd.
Heart Rate Monitor
1. Install BH1790GLC.zip and FlexiTimer2.zip
2. Download BH1790_HeartRate.zip from
3. Launch Arduino IDE
4. Select [Sketch]->[include Library]-
>[Add .ZIP library…], install
BH1790_HeartRate.zip file
5. Select [File]->[Examples]->[BH1790GLC_HeartRate]->[example]->[HeartRate]
6. Go ahead in the same way as P.4 and P.5
7. Select [Tools]->[Serial Monitor]
8. Put the finger as P.6 figure
9. Display Heart Rate value and wearing status.
Left value is Heart Rate [unit:bpm], right value
is wearing status [0 : not wearing, 1 : wearing]