Cleaning the Connectors
Technical Information 1178.8988.02 ─ 02
Torque wrench
The permissible torque for type 2.92 mm, 3.5 mm connectors is 0.9
N·m, the permissi-
ble torque for N connectors is 1.5
N·m. Rohde & Schwarz supplies the appropriate tor-
que wrenches for all connector types; see table below.
Calibration kit
Connector type
Wrench size
Torque wrench
R&S ZN-Z129
R&S ZN-Z129E
2.92 mm
8 mm
R&S ZN-Z135
3.5 mm
8 mm
R&S ZN-Z170
20 mm
When the calibration kit is connected, support the equipment properly to relieve the
connections from any bending torque caused by the connected components or cables.
To disconnect your calibration kit, unfasten the coupling nut with an open-end wrench.
Risk of mechanical damage to the connectors
The inner conductor of the connectors can be damaged if the connection is too tight, or
if bending forces are applied. Always use a torque wrench to tighten the coupling nut.
Do not turn the body of the calibration kit while it is connected and avoid any excessive
force, bending or twisting during the connection or disconnection.
Cleaning the Connectors
The connectors of the calibration kits, in particular the outer conductors, must be kept
clean to ensure a proper connection and to avoid damage when they are tightened.
The connectors are most easily cleaned using a swab (e.g. a cotton or nylon swab) of
suitable size damped in alcohol. Gently move the swab around the inner conductor,
avoiding lateral pressure on the center pin. After cleaning, you can use compressed air
to remove foreign particles and dry the connector. Finally, inspect the cleaned connec-
tor to verify that the center pin has not been bent.
Risk of damage
Alcohol is the recommended cleaning solvent. Do not use any other solvents or water.
Avoid applying an excess amount of solvent to the connector surfaces.