General instrument functions
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
The R&S
SMM100A saves the selected options locally and removes the licenses from
the list of available options on the license servers.
Remote command:
License <no>: Extend Occupation Period to ← Occupy Licenses
Extends the occupancy duration set before to the required length.
You can only extend an already set occupation period.
Reset or return an occupied period before the time has elapsed is not possible.
Renew ← Occupy Licenses
Executes the extension of the occupation period.
The R&S
SMM100A saves the selected options locally and removes the licenses from
the list of available options on the license servers.
Remote command:
Using the license server
The R&S
SMM100A now supports handling of software licenses using the license
server from Rohde
As a browser application you can access the R&S
License Server either in a browser
and also directly in the R&S
SMM100A. The onboard license server integrated in the
instrument firmware has connection to a
local smartcard
memory. The local smartcard
holds local licenses, i.e. licenses that are intended for use on this specific instrument.
As opposed to local licenses, the application also manages licenses referred to as
floating licenses
For managing floating licenses, the same license server application runs on a PC at
customer's site. In this context referred to as
remote license server
, with connection to
the customers memory, the
remote smart card
. The remote smartcard holds floating
licenses, i.e. licenses you can use on instruments everywhere without restrictions on
the location.
When you need a specific application, you can obtain a license from the server. When
you no longer need the license, return it to the server.
The license server releases a returned floating license for use in another instrument
only after a follow-up time of 10
However, at startup the license server checks the available floating licenses. During
this check, it returns the licenses immediately.
Managing licenses and license keys