Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Multi-carrier CW signals are computed in arbitrary waveform mode. To adopt the
changes in the settings of individual carriers, select "Accept". This selection applies to
the settings in the "Table Setup Assistant" section and the "Carrier Table" dialog.
Remote command:
Set to Default
Calls the default settings, see
Remote command:
Number of Carriers
Sets the number of carriers composing the multi-carrier CW signal.
Cross-reference between total bandwidth, carrier spacing, and number of carri-
ers. The total bandwidth of the multi-carrier CW signal is calculated as follows:
Total Bandwidth = ("Number of Carriers" - 1) * "Carrier Spacing"
The result must not exceed the system bandwidth of the instrument (see data sheet).
If the total bandwidth is not respected, the value selected as "Carrier Spacing" is
reduced. Hence, the selected number of carriers defines the maximum carrier spacing.
By default, the multi-carrier table lists 64 carriers that are preset to the settings: "State
On", "Power =
0 dB", "Phase =
If the selected number of carriers is less than the carriers in the table, the superfluous
table rows are deleted. If the number of carriers exceeds the number of table rows,
new rows are appended to the table.
Remote command:
Carrier Spacing
Sets the spacing between carriers for the multi-carrier CW signal. The carriers are
arranged symmetrically around the HF carrier.
Remote command:
Indicates the resulting occupied signal bandwidth, calculated from the selected
Clock Frequency
Displays the clock rate at which the multi-carrier CW signal is output by the arbitrary
waveform generator. The output clock rate depends on the number of carriers and the
selected carrier offset.
The value indicates the resolution during the marker generation.
Remote command:
Generating multi-carrier continuous wave signal