Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
See also:
for representation of the created data list in the "Data List Editor".
Example "How to assign and activate a data list"
To create a data list in binary format
► Use the commands
, see
:MMEM:CDIRectory "/var/user"
// Create a new data list file.
:SOURce1:BB:DM:DLISt:SELect "dl_new"
// Append data to the data list and query the content.
:SOURce1:BB:DM:DLISt:DATA:APPend 0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1
// Response: 0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1
See also
Example "How to assign and activate a data list"
Example: How to assign and activate a data list
Irrespectively on the way they are created, generated data lists are not automati-
cally used.
We assume, that a data list
is created and saved in the direc-
The following example shows how to enable the R&S
SMM100A to use this data list as
data source for the custom digital modulation.
MMEM:CDIRectory "/var/user"
// Response: dl
:SOURce1:BB:DM:DLISt:SELect "dl"
Editing waveform files, data and control lists
You can edit the internally and externally crated waveform files, data and control lists.
The waveform, data and control lists files contain binary and ASCII data.
Consider the following rules while editing files with binary data.
Rules for editing binary data (waveforms, data and control lists)
Use hex data editor
Always use a hex data editor to edit files containing binary data.
Editing of binary data file with a text editor, even if you only change the ASCII part
of the file, corrupts the file.
Adapt the length information in the
If you change the content of a waveform file, change also the
For example, if you add a tag or add bytes to an existing tag, reduce the length
information by the number of newly introduced bytes.
Using the arbitrary waveform generator (ARB)