Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
"Previous Set-
When the instrument is switched on, the output assumes the same
state as it had when the instrument was switched off.
Remote command:
Display Level as Voltage of EMF - RF Level
Activates display of the signal level as voltage of the EMF (no-load voltage). If this set-
ting is deactivated, the level is displayed as a voltage over a 50 Ohm load.
This setting is not affected by an instrument preset (PRESET key),
) or the
"Save/Recall" function. Only the
Chapter, "Factory Preset"
resets the setting.
Remote command:
5.4.4 RF Level Sweep
To open the "Level Sweep" menu, select "Level Control > Configure > Level Sweep" or
use the MENU key under "Level Control".
The "RF Level Sweep" dialog is used to activate and configure a sweep for the RF
level. To open the dialog, select "Level Control > Configure > Level Sweep" or use the
MENU key under "Level Control".
RF Level Sweep Settings
In the top section, the RF level sweep is activated and the sweep mode is selected.
The buttons are used to reset the level sweep (all sweep modes) or to execute the
level sweep ("Single" mode).
The sweep range, sweep spacing and dwell time are set in the bottom section.
State - Level Sweep
Activates Level Sweep mode.
RF Level