GNSS Production Configuration and Settings
User Manual 1176.9787.02 ─ 05
Generates a constant signal with definable Doppler shift, see
"High Order"
Enables Doppler profiles with higher dynamics.
There are two predefined profiles, or you can define a specific profile,
Remote command:
Constant profile settings
The constant Doppler profile is defined with:
Doppler Shift Unit ← Constant profile settings
> "Constant", selects the unit of the parameter
Remote command:
Doppler Shift (Constant) ← Constant profile settings
Sets the Doppler shift for a constant signal profile.
The simulation of Doppler-shifted signals can be used to check the receiver character-
istics under more realistic conditions than with zero Doppler.
The value of the parameter "Satellite Configuration" >
Remote command:
High-order profile settings
The Doppler profiles with higher dynamics are defined with:
Start Time Offset ← High-order profile settings
Sets a time delay before the generation of the Doppler signal starts.
Remote command:
Predefined Config. ← High-order profile settings
Selects between the predefined high-order Doppler profiles or a user-defined one.
"Velocity Profile 1, 2"
Generates a Doppler signal using the settings of one of the prede-
fined Doppler profiles.
"User Dynamics"
Generates a Doppler signal with user-defined parameters.
The profile parameters are configurable.
Remote command:
Satellite Configuration Settings