Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Fast settings
The PCIe interface can be utilized not only to transfer text messages e.g. SCPI com-
mands but also to carry register based remote control messages. The latter mode is
called fast settings mode. The specially for this purpose provided instrument's driver is
mandatory for the instrument control with fast settings. This instrument driver contains
special functions for fast setup.
To use the advantage of the fast settings, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
Using the PCIe interface is mandatory (see also
Remote Control Connection via PCIe"
The fast settings must be enabled with the function
(see also
Chapter 10.3.5, "Enabling Fast Settings"
The instrument driver automatically uses the fast settings method whenever possible -
currently only for the parameters frequency, level, RF state, modulator state - and
sends SCPI messages in all other cases.
Remote control programs written for PCIe will, without modifications, also run if one of
the other control channels, LAN or USB is used.
Setting Up a Remote Control Connection via PCIe
To set up a remote control connection vie PCIe, perform the following steps:
2. Configure the controller, see
3. Connect the controller and the instrument, see
Download the Drivers
All required driver files are available for download on the product page at:
Provided are the following files:
LabWindows/CVI, Linux/OSX driver rssgu
source code files which provide a functional application programming interface
(API) to R&S
SGU instruments. Required if you want to control an instrument via
Low-Level SGU drivers
Archive file that contains the following:
Advanced Remote Control Using PCIe