Documentation overview
Getting Started 1335.9084.02 ─ 07
Documentation overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S
RTM3000 user documentation.
Manuals and instrument help
You find the manuals on the product page at:
Getting started manual
Introduces the R&S
RTM3000 and describes how to set up the product. A printed
English version is included in the delivery.
User manual
Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides
an introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control
commands with programming examples, and information on maintenance and
instrument interfaces. Includes the contents of the getting started manual.
online version
of the user manual provides the complete contents for immedi-
ate display on the internet.
Instrument help
The help offers quick, context-sensitive access to the functional description
directly on the instrument.
Safety instructions
Provides safety information in many languages. The printed document is deliv-
ered with the product.
Instrument security procedures manual
Deals with security issues when working with the R&S
RTM3000 in secure areas.
Manuals and instrument help