Mixed Signal Option (MSO, R&S
User Manual 1317.4726.02 ─ 01
Label ← Label
Displays or hides the label of the selected digital channel.
Remote command:
Library ← Label
Selects a label text from a list of frequently used terms.
Edit Label ← Label
Opens the on-screen keyboard to enter any label text
The maximum name length is 8 characters, and only ASCII characters provided on the
on-screen keyboard can be used.
The vertical POSITION rotary knob moves the digital channels vertically on the screen.
It affects all visible dgital channels.
Remote command:
The vertical SCALE rotary knob sets the size of the digital channels. Three sizes are
available: small, medium and large display. The setting affects all visible dgital channels.
Remote command:
12.3 Parallel Buses
The R&S
RTM can display and decode up to 16 lines of a parallel bus. To trigger on
parallel buses, use the pattern trigger. See:
12.3.1 Analyzing Parallel Buses
Similar to serial protocols, the parallel buses - unclocked and clocked - need configuration
to decode and display the signal.
To configure parallel buses
1. Press the PROTOCOL LOGIC key on the front panel.
2. If the "Logic" menu is displayed, press "Protocol".
3. Press "Bus" and select the bus to be configured.
4. Press the "Bus Type" and select "Parallel" or "Parallel Clocked".
5. Press "Configuration".
6. To configure the "Parallel" (unclocked) bus, select the "Bus Width".
Parallel Buses