Rohde & Schwarz RTB2000 Series Manual Download Page 2

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PD 3607.3239.92 | Version 01.00 | March 2017 (sk)


R&S®RTB2000; Project your oscilloscope screen with display over LAN


Data without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change


©  2017 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG | 81671 Munich, Germany

3607.3239.92 01.00 PDP 1 en



Open an Internet browser on your PC (e.g. Internet 

Explorer, Chrome or Firefox) and enter the IP address of 

the oscilloscope into the address bar. The instrument’s 
web interface will now appear


active remote display

To interact with the oscilloscope, use the previously de


scribed remote front panel. In this view, all elements can 
be directly controlled. A click on the Autoset button, for 
example, initiates an autoset just like a press on the real 

button would do. 


Click “Livescreen” in the menu on the left to obtain a 
continuously updated image of the oscilloscope display 
in your browser (the browser can be resized). You 

can use the “Remote Front Panel” to fully operate the 


All the methods for displaying applications on your PC can 
be used with the oscilloscope display in the browser. Con-

nect the oscilloscope to an external projector to share its 

screen content with a larger group. Use PC conferencing 
applications to share the oscilloscope display on your PC 
with remote users.

Alternative approaches

If no additional PC or LAN is available at your desk, you 
can use a small embedded PC such as Raspberry Pi. These 
extremely low-cost PCs offer all the features needed to dis


play the signal. Use the same steps as described before to 
project the oscilloscope display. The projector can be con-

nected directly to the display output of the RaspBerry Pi.

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