Operating Concepts
Getting Started 1176.8822.02 ─ 03
For a detailed description of how to measure in this setup, refer to the operating man-
ual of the R&S NRPV.
6.3 R&S Power Viewer Plus
The R&S Power Viewer Plus is software that simplifies many measurement tasks. It is
provided on your documentation CD-ROM and on the Rohde & Schwarz website as a
separate standalone installation package.
For details on installing and operating the R&S Power Viewer Plus, refer to its operat-
ing manual. The manual is provided on the documentation CD-ROM and is installed
automatically during the installation of the R&S Power Viewer Plus.
6.4 Android Device
With an R&S NRP
Z power sensors and an android device, you can measure continu-
ous power that requires high level of mobility.
Required equipment
Z power sensor
Z3 or R&S NRP
Z4 USB adapter
Android device that fulfills the following requirements:
Android version 4.0 or higher
USB host controller - USB On The Go (USB-OTG)
Android Device