RC Commands
User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
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<channel list or path name>
Sets or queries the state of selected relays or I/O channels.
The query returns a "1" for each physical state of a queried relay or channel that is
identical with the state specified in the channel list. If the physical state of a queried
relay or channel differs from the state specified in the list, the query returns a "0".
Note that for failsafe (monostable) relays, the query returns the state of the control line,
only, while for latched (bistable) relays, the query always reads the true physical
switching state.
The parameter
<channel list or path name>
is also called the "
channel list
". Its basic syntax is as follows:
Defines the channel list for just one relay or I/O channel, with the following parameters:
= 01, 02, 03,...,99 (frame ID in, e.g., switch unit name F01)
= 01, 02, 03,...,20 (module ID in, e.g., slot position M02)
Note that the slot position is labeled with an "M", although in the hardware the
actual positions are either FS (front slot) or RS (rear slot). Using "M" instead
reflects the fact that the firmware can detect only to the motherboard connector, to
which a module is connected. The actual front or rear mounting position is not
detected. In a factory configuration, the correlation of slot positions and connectors
follows the scheme in
. If you mount modules yourself, we recommend
using the same correlation.
Also note that the modules are addressed by the syntax "M0x", as opposed to the
syntax "A1x" that was used for the legacy switch units R&S
OSP1x0. Setting com-
mands accept both syntax versions, "M0x" or "A1x". For query commands, to
change from one to the other syntax version, use the command
= 000 ... n (
tate of the element to be controlled in a module)
The element can be a relay, an output channel or another
system-specific or customer-specific modules can have different elements.
In the string "sss", you can omit leading zeros. Hence, "
" for
double-digit states or "
" for single-digit states are permissible.
The number of available states depends on the module type. Examples are 0 to 1
(for SPDT, DPDT and DP3T relays or I/O channels), 0 to 6 (for SP6T and 4P6T), or
0 to 8 (for SP8T). Some modules, for example the
, use
to set
ROUTe Commands